Certification body "SEECERT"
With its "SEECERT" certification body, TÜV NORD Systems GmbH & Co. KG is listed with the German Accreditation Body (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle - "DAkkS"), under the "DAkkS" procedure number ZE-11074-01, as an accredited certification body in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065 for products.
The "SEECERT" certification body is therefore authorised to conduct and certify product certifications in accordance, inter alia, with the applicable parts of DIN EN 45545 for fire protection on railway vehicles.
Our services − Certification of fire protection products
To enable fire protection products to be certified according to DIN EN 45545, they have to pass through a corresponding certification process, which is structured as follows:
- The certifiable quality of the product is regularly monitored by the certification body
Assessment and decision
- The results of the evaluation are appraised and a decision on the issue of a certificate is issued
- This sees the certified product measured against the normative requirements.
- Which product is to be certificated (e.g. electronic assembly)
- According to which standard (e.g. DIN EN 45545-2, DIN EN 45545-5) will the certificate be issued.
- The certification and evaluation is defined (evaluation plan)
- At the end of the certification process, you as the customer will receive a corresponding certificate confirming conformity with the DIN EN 45545-2 standard.
Our expertise

- Independence, neutrality and impartiality
- Long-standing experience in product certification
- Expert with EBA [German Federal Railway Authority] recognition
- Accredited certification body in accordance with DIN EN ISO/ IEC 17065 and
- Specialised technical expert with long-standing experience in the area of fire protection and occupational health and safety
The benefit to you
- Test reports need not be disclosed to the market
- Product can be marketed with certificate/seal
- Valid proof – including for complex products (e.g. electro-technical articles) all on one page
- European-wide acceptance among NoBos
- Less effort for system resellers and NoBos More security in the approval process
Do you have any questions or comments? Contact us!
We will be very happy to answer your questions.